Friday, August 27, 2010


No i did not forget the "S"
well here's a snake coughing up a hippo

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We gota look forward

Normally im not into this positive forward bullshit but after the hostage situation i think we all need a good lough.... and not at the Police....lough at them later...

I would like to thank the Japanese for this video

Monday, August 23, 2010

David Motari

Who remembers David...ya know the US soldier who like to throw puppies off bridges...Yes that David well here's a reminder

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Torture week is over YAY!!! now its time for "You Deserve it" week.... YAY!!!

will start with the police

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Public Execution in Iran

From all the videos I posted this "Execution week" this is the hardest to watch.

Video - Three Students Executed in Public in Iran (Warning: Graphic) -

The poor girl in the middle was struggling for 30sec before she kicked the bucket...

Monday, August 16, 2010

Witchcraft in Kenya

Normally I would post the video but this one is a little hard to stomach
plus i cant find the embed thing.

Have fun...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Saddam execution

Next week is execution week but i would like to start it early.
Yesterday was the execution of Amon Goeth today it is the 7th most hated man in world history

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Long Lasting Dahmer

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer came into the world at 4.34pm on the 21st of May at the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee 1960.

Little did his parents know at the time of his birth that there son would become one of America's most famous serial killers not only for the amount of victims which he had killed but also for dismembering them and his necrophilic tendencies.

Jeffrey's childhood started like any other he had two parents who loved and adored there son dearly giving him what ever his heart desired. Joyce Dahmer started a scrap book on her son recording events that happened in his life, his first step, his first accident, his first tooth, his first haircut and even his first scolding.

hile Jeffrey was still very young his father worked long hours in his laboratory and his mother worked as a teletype machine instructor.

But the carrying of Jeffrey had been hard on Joyce Dahmer and every little thing seemed to annoy her. So Lionel being the the husband that he was and wanting the best for his wife they moved to his mothers house in West Allis, but the crack's in the marriage started to show early. There were constant fights between Joyce and Lionel Dahmer and Jeffrey took each of these fights to heart. Little did they realize that there constant fighting would be the one of the reasons for Jeffrey's downfall.

A short time before Jeffrey's fourth birthday, Jeffrey was diagnosed with a double hernia that needed to be operated on.

This operation left Jeffrey feeling open and exposed nobody explained to Dahmer what was going on. He felt scared by the operation, complete strangers coming up to him and exploring his body. This experience is said to have marked his subconscious forever.

But like every little boy of Jeffrey age he was just like anybody else climbing apple trees, riding his bike and playing in coal dust and coming home dirty.

Though he was painfully shy while growing up he over came this in time.

By the time Jeffrey turned six his mother gave birth to a second son who she called David. Though this did not have a dramatic effect on Dahmer's life he stayed pretty much neutral to his brothers existence and they never became close.

By the time of his second son's birth Lionel Dahmer and his family moved into there own house at 4480 West Bath Road, surrounded by open forest where Jeffrey could lose himself in a world of make believe.

As Jeffrey grew towards puberty, his sinking isolation and shyness was confirmed once again. An early sexual experiment with a another boy proved to be disappointing and joyless.

Jeffery should have come to a time in his life where he wanted to experience the joys of life and the companionship of friends, but Jeffrey withdrew into himself and kept his life somewhat of a secret.

Jeffrey's Dahmer's life conditioned him for the hard struggle that lay ahead, little did he know that in just over 16 years he would become one of America's most famous serial killers having murdered 17 people, dismembering them and sleeping with there corpses and keeping parts of his victims for trophy's.

By: Adam Lain

Famous Quotes:

"...I was completely swept along with my own compulsion.
I don't know how else to put it.
It didn't satisfy me completely so maybe I was thinking
another one will. Maybe this one will,
and the numbers started growing and growing
and just got out of control, as you can see..."

" this is the grand finale of a life poorly spent
and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing
..... a sick, pathetic, miserable life story...that's all it is"

PS. Pictures of the killers and victims will follow

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy as can be

At first i thought this was fake, how could the government let this guy stand free and proud but after a little research I found out that he's immune to most cases of pedophilia.

possession of child pornography- $20,000 - 6 months imprisonment (although it is legal in manga form.)
Showing a minor pornography- $500- $1,000
Attempting to sleep with a minor- $50,000 - 15 months imprisonment
(There are more but i cant find my notes)

For Geoffrey Leonard he cant get charged with any of these because he was "humiliated" by the government and served 10 years a sentence cut short due to "lack of evidence" note the boys he molested testified against him.

"The government aint perfect yet they demand perfection"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ed Gein

Artist....Picasso, Rembrandt, Ozzy, Quentin Tarantino all very famous and all very disturbed (all the best artist are).
Now let me tell you bout MY FAVORITE artist! his name is Edward Theodore Gein more commonly known as Ed Gein or the first "Necro Artist" (necrophiliac). The man is so amazing and screwed up two cult classic films where based on him "Psycho and Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

Lets go back in time....a time when beating women wasn't a crime but a requirement.
Ed Gein was born into an abusive home filled with Christian obsession and sexual frustration. His mother was an abusive old hag that taught him nothing but how to beat a child with a bible, He despised his mother so much that when she died he buried her in the back yard keeping her head surfaced, so he could look down on her and masturbate over her head....(it sounded sick in my head but now that i say it out loud it sounds even worse.) At one point in his life he considered a sex change but he wanted to show some respect to his mother.....head.

Unlike Bundy or most killers Gein only killed two women "Bernice Worden and Mary Hogan" but those women dont know how lucky they actually are to become apart of artistic history.

List of the materials he used to make brilliance

  • Four noses
  • Whole human bones and fragments
  • Nine masks of human skin
  • Bowls made from human skulls
  • Ten female heads with the tops sawed off
  • Human skin covering several chair seats
  • Mary Hogan's head in a paper bag
  • Bernice Worden's head in a burlap sack
  • Nine vulvas in a shoe box
  • Skulls on his bedposts
  • Organs in the refrigerator
  • A pair of lips on a draw string for a windowshade

I Salute you Edward Gein!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thought i would write a little story....

Simon and Ram

Ram- Pedophiles you gota love em!

Simon- What?

Ram- Pedophiles are kick ass folks!

Simon- What the hell is wrong with you!?!

Ram- Nothing. I’m just saying without them the world would be sooo boring.

Simon- …..What!?!

Ram- Think about it man! What do we see on the news almost every day? Some little girl or boy being traded and molested, that’s kind of exciting when you think about it.

Simon-….NO! It’s not. It’s sick and wrong!!!

Ram- It is sick and wrong but that’s what makes it so interesting! Some old fucked forcing himself on a kid now those are the things that make us human!

Simon- Raping and abusing children are what make us human?

Ram- YES! It’s sad but true. We live in a fucked up society where a rapist serves 8- 10 years in prison wile stealing a car is a 15- 20 year sentence.

Simon- That doesn’t answer my question how does raping a kid make us human?

Ram- Your not listening! Society doesn’t give a shit about these kids we actually condone it but we cant let the public find out so we hide it under pathetic punishments.

Simon- …dude your not making any sense.

Ram- Find fine look at it this way. Remember when you where a kid and you had the “birds and the bee’s” talk with your folks.

Simon- I dint get “the birds and the bee’s”

Ram- What you get?

Simon- The turtle and the heir

Ram- …ok before I continue disgracing the world’s population, please elaborate on “The turtle and the heir”

Simon- mans the heir; chicks the turtle men finish first…The end.

Ram- …huh..that makes sense…my kids will hear that one.

Simon- enough about “the turtle and the heir” CONTINUE PLEASE!!!

Ram- fine fine…we need to use another example.

Simon- You know what! Fuck you!?! Just continue.

Ram- So moody. Ok as I said the sentence for stealing a car is bigger than molesting a kid.

Simon- Which I think is total bullshit.

Ram- No its not. Apparently the government finds their cars more important than the well being of there people.

Simon- that complete bullshit! Ok fine even IF that was the case the government isnt perfect!

Ram- the government isn’t perfect yet they demand perfection? Imagine what the government thinks about all this right now ‘oh I that little girl who got fucked up the ass by her father will get over it but the victim of the stolen hummer will never get over it…OH GOD THE HORROR!’

Simon- …Dude your way out a line.

Ram- No I’m not! I’m not even standing on the line! You want me to get outa line, give me 100 life sentence convicts and let them ass fuck every politician and there kid. That would make up for the fact that 40% of the world’s population is being raped as we speak. It all could be helped if they were more ashamed of pedos than other countries looking down on them.

Simon- …So how does have to deal with pedophiles being cool?

Ram- Your still not listening!?! Without these sickos whom I will now call “Edward Cullen” we would have no excitement in the world. We need someone to hate, and hating a pedophile is just plain fun. To add to the matter we NOT only hate the pedo’s but we also end up hating the lawyer defending them and the prick on the bench judging them.

Simon- had a lot of time to think about this, haven’t you?

Ram- No just a sudden realization of disgust and entertainment

Simon- I just don’t get one thing. You hate rapist but you love them?

Ram- NOW your getting me!

Simon- Why am I friends with you?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why Spain deserved to win the World Cup

Its very simple who ever is more screwed up wins


I am of Spanish decent so of course I’m ecstatic that they won World Cup but what kind of blogger I would be if I favored my mother land… then again I am proud we did wipe out an entire raise (Incans, Mayans and Aztecs). The Americans destroyed Hiroshima, The Japanese bombed Per Harbor, The Germans killed 6 million people but Spain….ahh Spain you destroyed 3 civilizations….I salute you!


I can say very little about the Dutch…well actually I only have two words to say slave trade

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It makes you think

I own no rights to this song or video
I just thought it was BRILLIANT!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Anti Religious quotes

It makes me smile to see so many people that hate religion (i would say Christianity but i dont wana offend anyone, late)

Mark Twain:
Surely the ass who invented the first religion ought to be the first ass damned
Faith is believing in that which I know ain't so.

Robert Green Ingersoll:
The hands that help are better far than lips that pray.
Nothing could be more idiotic and absurd than the doctrine of the trinity.

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard: (The creator of Scientology) HAIL ZEENO!
The easiest way to make money is to start a religion.

Ernest Hemmingway:
All thinking men are atheists.

Mohandas Gandhi:
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

Dennis Miller:Born again?! No, I'm not. Excuse me for getting it right the first time.

Annie Dillard:
Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"

Stephen Weinberg:
Without religion, we'd have good people doing good things, and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.

Friederich Nietzsche: (you played Niezsche? no no)
The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Little Mr. Stigletz

Everyone knows Sgt Hugo Stiglitz (Till Schweiger). German Natze killer from "Inglorious Bastards"....German Natze killer... No matter how many times you say that it still sounds weird... German Natze killer, German Natze killer.

first of all Stiglitz is actually a German-Mexican actor from the 70s wasnt very popular though--->

secondly the real German Natze killer was a child his name was never recorded but his actions were Ilsa of the SS (not the movie but I'll write bout her later on) made sure he would never be remembered.
He killed 30 something Natze by the time he was the Resistance could have used him.
Let me restate that he mutilated 30 something Natze
Lets list down how he killed those fuckers

1. He would slice the back of the knee breaking tendons so they couldn't run
2. He would pull out finger nails, teeth and eyelids....(juicy)
3. and finaly he would stab them in the groin and pull the knife up to the center of there ribs...(he knew what he was doing. slicing open the liver, stomach and lungs)

If this doesnt...intimidate you then his only recorded words should
"Ze huilen ik lach, lach ik ze sterven" translated "They cry i smile, they die i laugh"
If he was my son i would be proud.