Simon and Ram
Ram- Pedophiles you gota love em!
Simon- What?
Ram- Pedophiles are kick ass folks!
Simon- What the hell is wrong with you!?!
Ram- Nothing. I’m just saying without them the world would be sooo boring.
Simon- …..What!?!
Ram- Think about it man! What do we see on the news almost every day? Some little girl or boy being traded and molested, that’s kind of exciting when you think about it.
Simon-….NO! It’s not. It’s sick and wrong!!!
Ram- It is sick and wrong but that’s what makes it so interesting! Some old fucked forcing himself on a kid now those are the things that make us human!
Simon- Raping and abusing children are what make us human?
Ram- YES! It’s sad but true. We live in a fucked up society where a rapist serves 8- 10 years in prison wile stealing a car is a 15- 20 year sentence.
Simon- That doesn’t answer my question how does raping a kid make us human?
Ram- Your not listening! Society doesn’t give a shit about these kids we actually condone it but we cant let the public find out so we hide it under pathetic punishments.
Simon- …dude your not making any sense.
Ram- Find fine look at it this way. Remember when you where a kid and you had the “birds and the bee’s” talk with your folks.
Simon- I dint get “the birds and the bee’s”
Ram- What you get?
Simon- The turtle and the heir
Ram- …ok before I continue disgracing the world’s population, please elaborate on “The turtle and the heir”
Simon- mans the heir; chicks the turtle men finish first…The end.
Ram- …huh..that makes sense…my kids will hear that one.
Simon- enough about “the turtle and the heir” CONTINUE PLEASE!!!
Ram- fine fine…we need to use another example.
Simon- You know what! Fuck you!?! Just continue.
Ram- So moody. Ok as I said the sentence for stealing a car is bigger than molesting a kid.
Simon- Which I think is total bullshit.
Ram- No its not. Apparently the government finds their cars more important than the well being of there people.
Simon- that complete bullshit! Ok fine even IF that was the case the government isnt perfect!
Ram- the government isn’t perfect yet they demand perfection? Imagine what the government thinks about all this right now ‘oh I that little girl who got fucked up the ass by her father will get over it but the victim of the stolen hummer will never get over it…OH GOD THE HORROR!’
Simon- …Dude your way out a line.
Ram- No I’m not! I’m not even standing on the line! You want me to get outa line, give me 100 life sentence convicts and let them ass fuck every politician and there kid. That would make up for the fact that 40% of the world’s population is being raped as we speak. It all could be helped if they were more ashamed of pedos than other countries looking down on them.
Simon- …So how does have to deal with pedophiles being cool?
Ram- Your still not listening!?! Without these sickos whom I will now call “Edward Cullen” we would have no excitement in the world. We need someone to hate, and hating a pedophile is just plain fun. To add to the matter we NOT only hate the pedo’s but we also end up hating the lawyer defending them and the prick on the bench judging them.
Simon- had a lot of time to think about this, haven’t you?
Ram- No just a sudden realization of disgust and entertainment
Simon- I just don’t get one thing. You hate rapist but you love them?
Ram- NOW your getting me!
Simon- Why am I friends with you?
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